Although I have freelanced since 2002, my professional career started back in 2004 when I started working as a graphic designer at a small screen print company. As I advanced in my career, graphic design led to web design… web design led to web development… and web development led to software development. However, graphic design has always stayed a part of my work since the beginning.

Due to some newfound free time provided by the 2020 pandemic in the form of a layoff, I began pursuing an old passion of mine, photography. This has opened up new opportunities for me and has led to professional work as a photographer and videographer as well. As things currently stand, I’m the Creative Lead at the Indiana Department of Homeland Security with work focused on the visual communication of the agency.

And what at least feels like recently, I became a father to a little baby girl in early 2021 and a baby boy in late 2022. So, even though it won’t show up on the resume, you can add super dad to my experiences.

In addition to the PDF download of my resume above, you can see a thorough resume, including specific achievements at employers, on LinkedIn.